1. Definition and Interpretation

1.1 The following terms used in this Agreement (including these General Terms and Conditions) or any document referred to in this Agreement shall have the following meanings, unless otherwise clearly defined in this Agreement or therein: "Agreement" refers to the form attached to the registration of these General Terms and Conditions by PawMall Merchants, including any schedules, appendices, or other attachments attached to any of the above, including all modifications, supplements, and changes to it; Applicable Law "means any applicable law, regulation, regulation, order, judgment or guideline passed or issued by Parliament, the Government, or any competent court or authority in the United Kingdom, which currently or in the future exists; Business Day "means any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in the United Kingdom; "Contribution" has the meaning assigned to it in Article 6 of these General Terms and Conditions; Customer account "refers to the customer's registered account on the CMS platform; "Driver" refers to the party who delivers products ordered by customers through the PawMall platform; The "Effective Date" refers to the date on which PawMall merchant registration forms submitted by merchants are approved by Paw; Merchant Outlets "refers to restaurants or business premises owned, managed, and registered by merchants to enable PawMall services, which may be modified and added from time to time in accordance with mutual agreement; Merchant Information "refers to the merchant details specified in the agreement; Merchant SOP "refers to the standard operating procedures for merchants using PawMall services, which Paw may modify from time to time at its discretion, whether notified or not; Merchant Wallet "refers to the fund account held by a merchant in CMS for holding transaction funds; Net sales revenue "refers to the total price of the products in the transaction, excluding any taxes (including but not limited to any sales and service taxes): (a) after deducting any discounts from merchants on the PawMall platform; (b) Excluding merchant service fees, merchant surcharges, and other fees recorded in Paw or its affiliated company systems (if any and applicable); "Order" refers to the product order made by the customer on the PawMall platform; "Parties" refers to the collective term of CMS and merchants, and "Party" refers to any of them; "Products" refer to all products sold by merchants through the PawMall platform; "Service Fee" has the meaning assigned to it in Article 7.1 of these General Terms and Conditions; "Paw Platform" refers to the e-commerce platform of mobile applications or websites operated by Paw; PawMall Platform "refers to the platform operated by Paw on the platform to provide services; PawMall Service "refers to the delivery platform service where merchants are able to sell their products and customers can order products through the PawMall platform, where delivery can be made by drivers or any other method determined by Paw; "Transaction" refers to any transaction in which a customer orders and pays products from a merchant through the PawMall platform; And "trading funds" refer to the total amount of exchange payments made by customers through the PawMall service on the PawMall platform. 1.2 In the agreement (including these general terms and conditions): (a) references to statutory provisions shall include that provision and any regulations made in accordance with that provision, whether modified or re enacted from time to time before or after that date, and shall also include any past statutory provisions or regulations directly or indirectly replaced by that provision or regulation (as modified or re enacted from time to time); (b) References to "written" or "written" include any visible means of reproduction; (c) The reference to "including" should be interpreted as "including but not limited to"; (d) References to "clauses" or "schedules" refer to the following clauses or schedules: these general terms and conditions (unless the context otherwise requires); (e) Unless the context otherwise requires, words indicating the singular should include the plural and vice versa, and words indicating a specific gender should include other genders (male, female, or neutral). 1.3 The headings in the agreement (including these general terms and conditions) are inserted for convenience only and should not affect the construction of the agreement.

2. Scope

The agreements attached to these general terms and conditions include terms for providing PawMall services (as may be amended from time to time).

3. Term

This agreement shall continue in full force and effect for a period of 1 (one) year from the effective date, and shall be automatically renewed for 1 (one) year, unless either party provides written notice to the other party for at least thirty (one) years. 30) A few days before the expiration of any period.

4. PawMall Service Description

4.1 The merchant acknowledges and agrees that the PawMall service provided by Paw is limited to (a) recommending customers to the merchant; (b) As an intermediary between customers and merchants, accepting orders and receiving payments from customers on behalf of merchants; (c) As an intermediary between customers and merchants, including conveying orders and making payments from customers to merchants. Paw may make changes to the PawMall service at its discretion or suspend the PawMall service without prior notice.

4.2 Paw should display the product range provided by merchants on the PawMall platform, provided that the range has been communicated to Paw and meets the standards independently determined and communicated by Paw to merchants.

4.3 Merchants shall provide Paw with all information necessary for Paw to display their products on the PawMall platform, including menus, products, product availability of any merchant outlets, merchant outlets' operating hours and locations, logos, images, prices, and company logos in accordance with Paw's requirements ("Necessary Information"). For the avoidance of doubt, if the merchant fails to provide necessary information to Paw, Paw has the right to use any information available to Paw, including any images related to the product on the PawMall platform. Any changes to such information must be notified to Paw by the merchant no later than seven (7) working days before the change takes effect.

4.4 Merchants should continuously verify the information published by CMS. If there are any errors or inaccuracies, they should immediately notify CMS (within 1 hour after discovering the errors or inaccuracies). For the avoidance of doubt, merchants' menus, products, logos, images, prices, company identity, and other related information may be available on the PawMall platform and other media (including but not limited to Twitter, Facebook, and Google AdWords activities).

4.5 The merchant acknowledges and agrees that CMS does not provide transportation services, nor does it act as an agent for transportation service providers, couriers, postal service providers, delivery service providers, catering suppliers, or any party. Paw makes no representations or warranties, nor does it guarantee the quality, safety, and/or legality of any product. Paw does not guarantee the identity of any customer or ensure that the customer will complete the transaction.

4.6 The merchant acknowledges and agrees that the actual contract for the sale of goods is directly signed between the merchant and the customer, and CMS is not a party to such a contract and does not assume any responsibility, obligation or obligation in connection with any such contract or any related matter. Disputes arising from any product are limited to between merchants and relevant customers.

4.7 Merchants must process any refunds and/or claims arising from the transaction, including but not limited to chargebacks. CMS can assist merchants in handling refund and/or claim procedures, and merchants further agree that CMS may, at its sole discretion, refund transaction funds to customers without prior approval from merchants.

4.8 If CMS deems that any of the following situations have occurred, CMS reserves the right to suspend specific transactions and/or customer accounts and/or merchant wallets and/or PawMall services:

(a) Paw considers it necessary or advisable to protect the security of customer accounts and/or merchant wallets and/or PawMall services;

(b) Paw believes that the transaction (i) violates the terms of this agreement or violates the security requirements of the customer account and/or merchant wallet and/or PawMall service; (ii) suspicious, unauthorized, or fraudulent transactions related to, but not limited to, money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud, or other illegal activities;

(c) If the transaction is for the sale of products or business activities that are not agreed upon by the merchant or are deemed to violate applicable laws;

(d) If the merchant engages in any other prohibited activities under the merchant's SOP or CMS policies or any applicable legal provisions;

(e) Other situations related to CMS's compliance with any applicable laws.

4.9 Paw may, at its discretion, provide regular education to merchants regarding the development of PawMall services, including any changes or additions to PawMall service facilities.

4.10 Paw reserves the right to deduct the service fee that Paw is entitled to receive from the transaction funds and the donation (if any) to provide PawMall services through the PawMall platform.

4.11 If Paw provides any equipment related to the provision of PawMall services ("Equipment") to merchants, including but not limited to Electronic Data Collection (EDC), merchants agree that they are responsible for such equipment and are obligated to return it to Paw in good condition after the termination of PawMall services. Further detailed information regarding the use, technical and operational support, and/or problem-solving related to the device may be provided by Paw in the merchant SOP and/or published by Paw on the Paw platform, which will apply and bind both parties.

5. Obligations

5.1 Merchants should register as merchants using the PawMall Merchant Registration Form or any other method determined by Paw. Merchants should integrate PawMall services into their outlet and operate in accordance with Paw's instructions and policies (as may be revised from time to time). 5.2 Merchants shall not allow any transactions with any products or items prohibited or restricted by applicable laws or CMS policies. 5.3 Merchants shall retain records related to the transaction for at least seven (7) years from the date of the transaction. 5.4 Merchants shall conduct business and operate Merchant Outlets in accordance with applicable laws, and ensure that their business activities are not prohibited by applicable laws. 5.5 Merchants should always hold all relevant licenses and permits for conducting merchant business, including any security laws and regulations. If the merchant becomes aware of any violation of its business or if the relevant authorities discover that its business violates any applicable law, the merchant must immediately notify CMS (no more than one (1) hour after receiving the notice). 5.6 The merchant represents and warrants to CMS that: (a) to its knowledge, it has not received funds related to any illegal, fraudulent, fraudulent, or manipulative behavior or practice, and the merchant has not received or obtained funds from illegal sources. To the extent that the merchant is aware of any such transactions, the merchant agrees to immediately notify CMS to suspend any such transactions and/or customer accounts and/or merchant wallets; (b) The information related to the product published on the PawMall platform complies with all legal requirements, including all information related to customer protection and welfare, as well as any laws and regulations related to sales; (c) The information provided by the merchant to CMS is up-to-date and accurate, and does not infringe any third-party intellectual property rights; (d) The products provided, prepared, and sold to customers have saleable quality and consumer safety, and their storage, production, and preparation comply with all relevant retail, restaurant, and safety regulations, as well as any applicable laws; (e) Having all licenses required by current laws and regulations, and no ongoing criminal, bankruptcy, or tax proceedings or other pending penalties related to the merchant's business operations; (f) Without the prior written approval of CMS and/or its affiliated companies, we will not represent CMS and/or its affiliated companies to obtain data and/or information from customers or other parties in any way. 5.7 If any product deteriorates, has defects, or causes food poisoning, allergies, or other consequences that affect any customer, the merchant will bear full responsibility and/or legal responsibility for such incidents, and shall exempt and compensate CMS from any claims, damages, or losses related to such matters. 5. The person owned or controlled is currently the subject of any sanctions imposed or enforced by applicable government authorities in the UK (collectively referred to as "sanctions"), and is not located, organized, or residing in the country or region currently subject to sanctions. Merchants are not allowed to use PawMall services in any way that would result in either party violating sanctions. The merchant, its subsidiaries, and affiliated companies have not intentionally engaged in any transaction or transaction with any person or party, or in any country or region, and were or were sanctioned at the time of the transaction or transaction. 5.9 The Merchant agrees that it and its affiliates shall comply with applicable laws related to anti-corruption laws in conducting business, and shall not directly or indirectly take any action that may result in a violation of such laws, including but not limited to, directly or indirectly providing, offering, or promising anything of value to any government authority or official that may result in a violation of any such law. Merchants and their affiliated companies should always comply with all important aspects of applicable laws related to anti money laundering and financial record keeping and reporting requirements. 5.10 Merchants shall not: (a) decode or perform any reverse engineering on CMS or CMS platform systems; (b) Perform any actions that may cause damage and/or interruption to the Paw or PawMall platform's systems; (c) Perform any actions aimed at copying, copying, and/or stealing information and/or data from PawMall Services, Paw, and/or customers. 5.11 The merchant agrees to participate in PawMall's promotional and marketing activities, including joint sponsorship activities ("PawOrganized Activities (" Promotions ")). If the merchant wishes to withdraw from participating in promotional activities, they should notify CMS's customer service of their intention and fill out the withdrawal form. Paw shall process the withdrawal request within fourteen (14) days after receiving the completed withdrawal form. 5.12 Merchants shall be responsible for keeping confidential any and all identification documents, passwords, personal identification numbers (PINs), or any other codes used to access the merchant's wallet. Merchants shall be fully responsible for all activities occurring under their merchant wallet, even if such activities or uses are not carried out by the merchant. Paw shall not be responsible for any loss or damage caused by unauthorized use of merchant vouchers or merchant failure to comply with this clause.

6. PawMall Joint Funding Activities

If the merchant participates in the event, their contribution to the event ("contribution") should be based on each net sales recorded in the Paw system. CMS shall notify merchants of its contribution to relevant activities through email or any other means determined by CMS in its sole discretion.

7. Fees and Taxes

7.1 As consideration for the PawMall services provided by Paw, merchants shall pay Paw a service fee ("Service Fee") as stated in the PawMall merchant registration form. The service fee should be charged for each net sales based on the successful transactions recorded in the CMS system. The service fee does not include any service and sales tax (SST), and the merchant is responsible for any taxes collected by Paw regarding the service fee. 7.2 The transaction fund settlement terms after deducting service fees, contributions (if any), and/or other fees (if any) will be further specified in the merchant's SOP and changed at the discretion of CMS 7.3 Unless otherwise provided by applicable law, for certain reasons and unless otherwise provided by applicable law, the merchant hereby authorizes Paw and/or its affiliates to initiate debit or credit entries to the merchant's wallet at any time by written notice to the merchant, including the following: (a) correcting any errors in the processing of any transactions and/or instructions provided by the merchant to CMS, including but not limited to double payments; (b) CMS determines that the merchant engages in any fraudulent or suspicious activities and/or transactions; (c) Related to any rewards or rebates; (d) Related to any uncollected fees or donations (if any); (e) Related to the resolution of any transaction disputes, including any compensation from or from merchants; (f) Any other reasons related to any transaction determined by CMS in the future. 7.4 Paw may, at its discretion, modify the service fee, contribution, or any other applicable fees, or at any time notify the merchant in writing to include any additional fees. 7.5 Paw promises to promptly pay all such taxes. If the merchant fails to pay taxes and CMS is required to pay such taxes and (if applicable) any related fines, CMS has the right to recover such payments made by CMS.

8. Intellectual Property

8.1 Paw and/or its licensors reserve and shall retain all rights, title, and interest in and to all copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights related to them, unless expressly granted to the merchant in the agreement. 8.2 The Merchant shall only grant Paw a global, non-exclusive, royalty-free, and non-transferable license during the term of this Agreement to reproduce, use, and display, or to license to the Merchant for the purpose of executing this Agreement. The merchant hereby guarantees and declares that they own or have the right to use and sublicense any intellectual property rights they use or license for Paw. 8. 3 The merchant represents and warrants that it owns or is the legitimate licensee of all intellectual property rights used under this agreement, and that there is no infringement or violation of any third-party ownership or intellectual property rights, and no other party will claim the same ownership of such intellectual property rights. 8.4 All reports, specifications, and other similar documents prepared or prepared during the process of this agreement, including documents, materials related to PawMall services, and any derivative intellectual property rights granted by either party, shall be the absolute property of such agreement. Attend the party throughout the preparation process and at any time thereafter. For the avoidance of doubt, all intellectual property rights, specifications, and other similar documents specified in this clause shall remain the property of the relevant parties at all times. 8.5 Each party guarantees to the other party that they will not use any of the other party's trademarks for any marketing activities, including but not limited to promotional activities, without the prior written consent of the other party. Despite the above regulations, Paw has the right to use the merchant's trademark to promote PawMall services and related promotional activities on all platforms of all media worldwide.

9. No warranty

9.1 PawMall services are provided "as is" without any express, implied or statutory representations or warranties. Paw and any of its subsidiaries and affiliates, officers, directors, agents, joint ventures, employees, and suppliers expressly disclaim any implied warranties of ownership, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non infringement. Paw does not have any control over products paid through PawMall services. Paw does not guarantee continuous, uninterrupted, or secure access to any part of the service, and the operation of the Paw website may be temporarily suspended due to maintenance or upgrades, or may be disrupted by many factors beyond Paw's control. Paw will make reasonable efforts to ensure timely processing of PawMall services, but Paw does not make any representations or warranties regarding the amount of time required to complete the processing. 9.2 Paw shall not be responsible for any suspension or refusal of payment that Paw reasonably believes to be fraudulent or unauthorized in the following circumstances: (a) any suspension or refusal to accept payment; (b) The payment instructions received contain incorrect or formatted information; (c) Hardware, software, mobile devices, and/or internet connections cannot function properly due to (including but not limited to) viruses, interruptions, or other forms of system interruption (such as unauthorized access by third parties); (d) Any circumstances specified in Article 4.8. (a) Any suspension or refusal to accept payments that CMS reasonably believes to be fraudulent or unauthorized; (b) The payment instructions received contain incorrect or formatted information; (c) Hardware, software, mobile devices, and/or internet connections cannot function properly due to (including but not limited to) viruses, interruptions, or other forms of system interruption (such as unauthorized access by third parties); (d) Any circumstances specified in Article 4.8. (a) Any suspension or refusal to accept payments that CMS reasonably believes to be fraudulent or unauthorized; (b) The payment instructions received contain incorrect or formatted information; (c) Hardware, software, mobile devices, and/or internet connections cannot function properly due to (including but not limited to) viruses, interruptions, or other forms of system interruption (such as unauthorized access by third parties); (d) Any circumstances specified in Article 4.8. Interruptions or other forms of system interruption, such as unauthorized access by third parties; (d) Any circumstances specified in Article 4.8. Interruptions or other forms of system interruption, such as unauthorized access by third parties; (d) Any circumstances specified in Article 4.8.

10. Confidentiality and Personal Data

10.1 Each party shall keep confidential and shall not disclose, directly or indirectly, any confidential information disclosed, provided or otherwise provided to the recipient by or on behalf of the disclosing party for the benefit of itself or any other person (except for the proper performance of its obligations under this Agreement). Confidential Information Confidential and proprietary products or information, intellectual property rights, business plans, operations or systems, financial and trade conditions, detailed information of customers, suppliers, debtors or creditors, information related to the disclosing party or any of its officials, directors or employees, affiliated companies, marketing information, printed matter, rates and rate schedules, contracts, regardless of form, format or medium, whether machine readable or human readable This includes written, oral, or tangible forms, as well as information conveyed or obtained through meetings, documents, letters, or inspections of tangible items. This clause does not apply to any confidential information disclosed, provided or otherwise provided by the disclosing party, which belongs to the public domain, and shall cease to apply to any information that is subsequently publicly available, unless caused by any violation by the receiving party. 10.2 The receiving party may disclose confidential information to (a) its directors and employees, provided that their duties will require them to access such confidential information, but the receiving party shall instruct such directors and employees to treat such confidential information as confidential and shall not use such confidential information for any purpose other than the proper performance of their duties; (b) The external auditors, lawyers, and professional advisors of the recipient shall ensure that the person disclosing such information to them is bound by the provisions of this clause in the contract and includes corresponding confidentiality provisions in their employment and other applicable contracts. 10.3 Both parties to this agreement shall comply with all applicable laws and privacy policies available on the CMS platform regarding any personal data related to this agreement, as required by their respective obligations as data users and data processors. For the purpose of this agreement, 3. Each party to this agreement shall comply with all applicable laws and privacy policies available on the CMS platform regarding any personal data related to this agreement, as required by their respective obligations as data users and data processors. For the purposes of this agreement, 3. Each party to this agreement shall comply with all applicable laws and privacy policies available on the CMS platform regarding any personal data related to this agreement, as required by their respective obligations as data users and data processors. For the purpose of this agreement, "personal data" refers to personal data with the assigned meaning, controlled by the data user, and required or required by the data processor to provide services for the performance of this agreement; "Data processor" refers to any person (other than an employee of a data user) who only processes personal data on behalf of the data user and does not process personal data for any personal purpose; And "data user" refers to a person who, individually or jointly, or with others, processes any personal data or controls or authorizes the processing of any personal data, but does not include a data processor. The confidentiality obligations under this Article 10 shall remain valid after the termination of the agreement and/or until the confidential information enters the public domain.

11. Force Majeure

11.1 Both parties shall be exempt from all obligations and responsibilities for delayed work caused by force majeure. Force majeure "refers to any unforeseeable, unavoidable event and/or special circumstances beyond the reasonable control of both parties, including but not limited to epidemics or pandemics (excluding the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019), natural disasters, wars, rebellions, invasions, sabotage, mass disturbances, and the existence of government regulations in monetary affairs that directly affect the performance of the agreement. 11.2 If either party is delayed or unable to fulfill its obligations under this agreement due to force majeure events, it shall notify the other party in writing as soon as possible after the occurrence of force majeure events.

12. Termination

12.1 Each party may immediately terminate this Agreement in the following circumstances: (a) the other party files a bankruptcy petition, insolvency or makes any arrangement or composition or transfer with the interests of its creditors, or appoints a receiver or administrator for the party or its business, or the party voluntarily (except for reorganization or merger) or compulsorily liquidates; (b) In the event of a material breach of this Agreement by the other party, or if the non breaching party believes that the breach can be remedied and provides an opportunity for remedy, but the breach is not remedied within 30 (thirty) days from the date of notification of such breach by the non breaching party; (c) Paw suspects any illegal behavior, illegal and/or fraudulent behavior committed by the merchant and/or its employees or agents; (d) The other party violates or fails to comply with any applicable laws, which may have adverse effects on the non breaching party in any material aspect, including any other safety related regulations; (e) Notify the other party in writing 30 (thirty) days in advance for any reason or without reason. 12.2 The termination of PawMall services shall not exempt or limit the obligations, liabilities, and liabilities of merchants or Paw arising prior to termination. Including any safety or other regulations; (e) Notify the other party in writing 30 (thirty) days in advance for any reason or without reason. 12.2 The termination of PawMall services shall not exempt or limit the obligations, liabilities, and liabilities of merchants or Paw arising prior to termination. Including any safety or other regulations; (e) Notify the other party in writing 30 (thirty) days in advance for any reason or without reason. 12.2 The termination of PawMall services shall not exempt or limit the obligations, liabilities, and liabilities of merchants or Paw arising prior to termination.

13. Assignment

13.1 Without the prior written consent of CMS, the merchant shall not transfer any of its rights under this agreement to anyone. 13.2 Without the prior written consent of CMS, merchants shall not allow others (excluding customers) to use CMS services. 13.3 The provisions of this agreement shall be binding on both parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns.

14. The relationship between the parties; Driver as an independent contractor

14.1 Nothing in this agreement shall be construed as establishing a partnership, joint venture, or agency relationship between the merchant and CMS. Neither party has the right to sign any type of agreement on behalf of the other party. 14.2 The third-party agreement that the driver agrees to provide meal delivery services to the customer is an independent agreement between the customer and the driver, and the driver is not an employee or agent of CMS. Paw is just an intermediary between customers and drivers. 14.3 Paw does not provide any transportation services, and neither party shall be liable for any actions, omissions, failures, lateness, or refusal of the driver to provide transportation services. 14.4 Paw will not and should not guarantee the safety, reliability, compatibility, or ability of drivers during their obligation to deliver products from merchants to customers. Therefore, the merchant hereby holds CMS harmless and releases CMS from any and all liabilities, claims, and causes.

15. Compensation

Merchants shall indemnify and hold harmless CMS, its affiliated companies, and their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, and third-party contractors (the "Indentured Party") from and against any losses, liabilities, costs, and expenses (including full reimbursement of any legal and professional fees) and any products suffered or incurred by the Indentured Party as a result of any claims made or threatened by third parties Merchants using the PawMall service or PawMall platform and/or any violation of any provision of this agreement, except for those caused by Paw's negligence, malicious or intentional misconduct. Despite any other provisions herein, both parties agree that neither party shall be liable to the other party for any loss of profits, goodwill, business opportunities, and expected savings, or for any indirect or consequential loss or damage suffered or incurred by either party.

16. Applicable Law; Dispute resolution

This agreement is governed by English law. If any dispute, controversy, claim or difference of any kind arises between the parties in connection with this matter (the "Dispute Notice"), both parties shall attempt to (1) notify the other party of the existence of the dispute within thirty (30) days after receiving it, and resolve the dispute first through mutual discussion between senior management personnel of both parties. If the dispute cannot be resolved through mutual discussion within thirty (30) days, it shall be submitted to the Asian International Arbitration Center ("AIAC") for arbitration and final resolution. In accordance with the then effective AIAC arbitration rules, such rules shall be deemed to be incorporated by reference into this clause. There will be one (1) arbitrator appointed jointly by both parties. If both parties are unable to reach an agreement on the arbitrator, the arbitration shall be appointed by the AIAC Director in accordance with the AIAC rules. The arbitration language shall be English. The place and venue of arbitration shall be the United Kingdom. Both parties agree that Part III of the 2005 Arbitration Law shall not apply to this Agreement or the arbitration proceedings arising from this Agreement. This agreement and the rights and obligations of both parties shall remain in full force and effect until the award of any arbitration proceedings conducted under this agreement,

17. Notification

17.1 All notices under this Agreement shall be delivered by hand, registered mail or email via overnight courier to the following address: (a) If sent to Paw email: legal.my@Paw.com   

Note: If the Group's General Counsel (b) is to be sent to the merchant, it should be sent to the address listed in the merchant's details or other methods or methods determined through Paw. 17.2 All notices under this Agreement shall be deemed to have been properly delivered: (a) if delivered by hand, when left at the address required by this Article 17; (b) If sent by overnight courier, on the second (2) working day after pick-up; (c) If sent by email, on the day of sending, as long as such email is sent before 5:00 pm on a UK working day; If sent after 5:00 pm on a working day or on a non working day, it shall be deemed delivered on the next working day. In the case of merchants sending notifications via email,

18. No Waiver

The failure of one party to enforce any provision of this agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of such provision or the right to enforce this agreement or any other provision. No waiver shall be construed as a continuing waiver.

19. Severability

If any part of this agreement is invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, then that part shall be separated from the remaining parts of this agreement, and the remaining parts shall continue to be valid and enforceable to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law.

20. Entire Agreement

This agreement (including all attachments and other documents mentioned here, including but not limited to the merchant SOP and Paw's standard operating procedures for providing PawMall services) represents the complete agreement reached by both parties regarding its subject matter, and the contracting parties shall be bound by it. All content not specified in this agreement shall be specified in the merchant SOP or any other document published by CMS on the CMS platform. The Merchant SOP is an integral part of this agreement, and agreeing to this agreement means that the Merchant agrees to comply with the Merchant SOP. If there is any difference between any provision of this agreement and any provision of the merchant SOP for providing PawMall services on the Paw platform or PawMall platform, the provisions of the merchant SOP shall prevail. Last update: October 11, 2022